One of the technologies we offer is Ruby programming. You may ask why exactly Ruby? We will try to explain you why there is the ongoing tendency to use Ruby on Rails when developing web applications. Fortunately, there is a rich collection of programming languages available to date. They all have their positive and negative sides. However, Ruby is universally considered to be a highly efficient programming language, a real boon for the programmers. This language has turned programming from a complicated time-consuming process into a simple task. Now let’s get back to basics. Ruby language was firstly introduced to the programming world by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1993. Yukihiro Matsumoto, simply known as Matz, is a Japanese computer scientist and software programmer. According to his words, Ruby is designed for programmer productivity and fun and is focused on human, rather than computer, needs. Basically, the main features of Ruby are: • Object oriented • Single inheritance • Dynamic typing Ruby is capable of recognizing various types and various languages. Owing to this fact coders do not have to define each language type by themselves, thus using Ruby saves them a great deal of time. • Open source Ruby language is free to use. You do not need to pay for it. That is why it is so highly appreciated by programmers all around the globe. • Garbage collector Accompanied by an effective garbage collector, Ruby makes it possible to deal with the problem of memory leaks and its unnecessary occupancy. Ruby language is often exploited together with Rails framework, created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 1994. It is a framework consisted of a variety of programs to help you develop web application easily and quickly. Thus, Ruby on Rails is the most popular and profitable web development tool which makes the work of Ruby programmers simpler as it cuts down on the amount of code writing. In spite of having their own existence, Ruby language and Rails framework perfectly compliment each other and are often thought of as an inseparable unity. Actually, Ruby is the base foundation for Rails; it was built on the ground of Ruby language. So, if you have a perfect knowledge of Ruby, you will definitely not face any problems working with Rails. However, it doesn’t purport the idea that without mastering Ruby you won’t be able to work on Rails. But it will greatly facilitate your understanding of the Rails code and significantly decrease the time taken to make your application go up. Thus, they both go hand in hand. In comparison with the other programming languages and development frameworks, Ruby on Rails is a very efficient and highly beneficial way of developing successful web applications in a shorter time. It is no wonder that Ruby has received world wide recognition and has successfully been used by programmers as an efficient development tool. web development pro | web developmwent | web developer team | web apps development | aps development |